Group Sustainability Meetings on Specific Issues

Report on Meeting for Fiscal 2024

Group Environmental Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: June 12

  • Efforts towards achieving the Environmental Vision 2050:
    • We conducted discussions on key issues and goals, taking into account changes in the business environment
  • Approach to addressing key issues:
    • Climate change (Scope 3):
      • We conducted discussions on the level of goals and future actions for each business company, aiming to achieve SBT by 2030

Date: January 12th

  • Holistic approach to the four themes in the environmental vision
    • The importance of environmental initiatives in improving the corporate value of the Kirin Group and the concept of holistic approach
    • Future initiatives, taking into account not only changes within the Kirin Group but also global trends
  • Next actions of initiatives related to the four themes
    • Biological resources:
      • Deepen existing activities by strengthening cooperation with stakeholders and accumulating knowledge through new activities that take into account not only biodiversity but also climate change impacts
    • Water resources:
      • Continue to assess the current situation of water stress in the supply chain, to understand the actual regional situation, and to study the possibility of setting targets based on international rules
    • Containers and Packaging:
      • Expanding the use of recycled PET resin and promoting the commercialization of chemical recycling
    • Climate change:
      • Scope1,2:Expansion of renewable energy procurement with emphasis on additionality and ethics, in addition to the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation
      • Scope3: Promoting mutual data disclosure and reduction measures through collaboration with suppliers. Developing a strategy of carbon footprints per product. Accumulating reduction measures and considering setting targets for 2025 and beyond
        Develop mechanisms for promoting environmental investment and carbon offsetting strategies
  • Group Environmental Meeting 2024

Group Business and Human Rights Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: June 12

  • Progress on human rights initiatives
    • Discussion of progress on the 2024 Plan and new issues
  • Goals for 2025-2027
    • Discussion of the goals for 2027, taking into account the revision of Kirin Group Human Rights Policy
  • Other items reported
    • Overview of the final report of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
    • Themes for 2024 Human Rights Awareness Training for Top-level Management
    • Stakeholder engagement

Date: January 12

  • Status of compliance with related rules and regulations, etc., following the revision of the Human Rights Policy
  • Business partners classification and response plan
    • Identify highly important business partners
    • Response plan for business partners
  • Supplier Human Rights Impact Assessment (Supplier Human Rights DD)
    • Supplier Human Rights Impact Assessment results, monitoring methods after on-site audit
    • Suppliers' Human Rights DD initiatives and how to approach
  • HP accessibility and usability improvement
  • Stakeholder dialogue, human rights awareness training for xecutive and employees
  • Group Business and Human Rights Meeting 2024

Group Health and Safety Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: July 24

  • 2023 Achievement Update
    • CSV commitment Non-financial indicators LTIR(Lost Time Injury Rate)
  • Report on Group Initiatives for the First Half of 2024
    • Preliminary Results of Group-wide Safety Awareness Questionnaire
    • Preliminary Results of KIRIN Health Survey
    • Preliminary Results of Sleep Improvement Program PoC(※Proof of concept)
  • Discussions by topics
    • Mental health、Work time management、Percentage of people whose score is less than 8 on AUDIT、 LTIR (Lost Time Injury Rate)、others
  • Sharing initiatives of each health insurance association
  • Initiatives for the second half of 2024 and plans for 2025

Date: February 22

  • 2023 Achievement Update
    • CSV commitment, non-financial indicators (LTIR Lost Time Injury Rate)
  • Review of 2023 and Key Focus Areas for 2024 Progress Report
    • Strengthening the Group's Safety Management Functions
    • Initiatives to improve health literacy
    • Promotion of responsible drinking
    • Improvement of presenteeism
    • Initiatives for 2024(Mental Health)
    • Discussions by topics
      • Percentage of people whose score is less than 8 on AUDIT、Work time management Others
  • Sharing initiatives of each health insurance association
  • Planning and formulation for the period after 2025
  • Group Health and Safety Meeting 2024

Report on Meeting for Fiscal 2023

Group Environmental Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: July 7

  • Interrelation of the four themes in Environmental Vision, and current actions
    • Mitigation and adaptation actions for climate change & nature capitals based on mid and long-term issues, counter actions and challenges, and the possible next steps.
    • The disclosure of non-financial information transition (TCFD -> ISSB).
    • Indicated Actions for next mid-term plan (Schedule and Investments).
  • Current status and next actions of initiatives related to the four themes
    • Biological resources:
      • The external communication enhancement for Mariko Vineyard and Tea industry sustainability actions, and new activity acceleration with KPI and measurement setting.
    • Water resources:
      • The identification and study for high water stress area based on local area reliability and counter action development, including KPI and measurement setting (to be dealt with new methodology).
    • Containers and Packaging:
      • Progress toward commercialization of PET resin chemical recycling.
    • Climate change:
      • Scope1,2:Initiative establishment to promote Environmental investment by operating companies.
      • Scope3: The actual status of emission study by major suppliers and reduction plan development, and set the objectives and goals with investment policies.
    • Information Disclosure:
      • Initiative implementation to be planned to respond ISSB.
  • Group Environmental Meeting 2023

  • Group Environmental Meeting 2023

Date: January 12

  • Current status of initiatives in 2022
    • Biological resources
      • Continued the activities of supporting Rainforest Alliance certification and scientific reserch of vineyards, and tried the disclosure of natural capital information.
    • Water resources
      • Set and achieved non-financial targets at manufacturing sites with high water stress targets for water conservation goals.
    • Climate Change
      • Expected to be achieved of Group GHG reduction target for 2022 (Scope 1 and 2)
    • Containers and packaging
      • Achieved the target of percentage of recycled resin
  • Group policy and plan for 2023
    • Biological resources
      • Discussing and considering to set the scientific target based on the international rules which are still under making.
    • Water resources
      • Considering setting new targets in accordance with international rules while continuing to achieve water conservation activities
    • Climate Change
      • Considering to set the target of Scope 3 and making a roadmap to achieve them.
    • Containers and packaging
      • Further increasing the ratio of recycled resins and considering the commercialization of chemical recycling
  • Group Environmental Meeting 2023

Group Business and Human Rights Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: July 7

  • Establishment of Business and Human Rights Meeting Rules and Regulations
  • Report on main activities in the first half of 2023 and activity plan for the second half of 2023 and 2024
    • Report on the status of overall Business and Human Rights efforts
    • Follow-up on 2022 supply chain human rights DD results and implementation plan for 2023
    • Selection of the recipients of the 2024 supply chain human rights DD to be implemented
  • Revision of the Group Human Rights Policy
    • Exchange of opinions on the framework for revision of the human rights policy and confirmation of the schedule for future revisions, etc.
    • Consideration of holding dialogue with human rights experts
    • Direction for improving disclosure and accessibility of human rights information
  • Group Business and Human Rights Meeting 2023

Date: January 12

  • Current status of the initiatives in 2022
    • Response to results of the final evaluation of the 2022 CHRB
    • Response to supply chain human rights due diligence
    • Response to grievance mechanisms
  • Group policy and plan for 2023
    • Formulate basic policies to the policy and plan for 2023
    • Formulate action plans for each key theme
    • Change of the meeting name
  • Group Business and Human Rights Meeting 2023

Group Health and Safety Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: July 12

  • 2022 Achievement Update
    • CSV commitment, Health Examination Related
  • 2023 Progress Report and Plans for the Second Half of the Year
    • Progress Report and Plans for the Second Half of the Year for Each Operating Company
    • Collaborative Health Initiatives (health insurance associations)
    • Preliminary Results of Group-wide Safety Awareness Questionnaire
    • Health Literacy Improvement Initiatives
    • Development of Health Management System
  • other
    • 2024 Response Policy
  • Group Health and Safety Meeting 2023

Date: February 17

  • Activity Report 2022
    • Health-Related Indicators (22-year results, CSV commitment)
    • Report on the Results of Occupational Accident Occurrences and Safety Awareness Questionnaire
    • Review of Priority Initiatives at Each Operating Company
  • Action Plan for 2023
    • 23 Plans for Each Operating Company
    • Formulation of Regulations for Group Health and Safety Meeting
    • Strengthening the Group's Safety Management Functions
    • Development of Health Management System
    • Initiatives to improve health literacy Use of the 'KIRIN naturals wellness store' (ongoing)
  • Group Health and Safety Meeting 2023

Report on Meeting for Fiscal 2022

Group Environmental Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: June 24

  • Current status of initiatives in 2022
    • Climate Change
      • Acquisition of certification for SBT net zero target (scheduled for July 2022)
      • Scopes 1, 2, and 3 are being implemented as planned based on the GHG Reduction Roadmap.
    • Containers and packaging
      • Usage rate of recycled resin has reached 9%. Working on weight reduction of bottles in order to increase the usage rate.
      • Promoting chemical recycling project.
    • Disclosure of environment-related financial information
      • Kirin was selected as one of the "Excellent TCFD Disclosure" by GPIF. Disclosing information in conformance with the new TCFD guidance in the Environmental Report.
      • Considering and agreeing on team formation across related departments, since ISSB covers overall sustainability.
      • TNFD and SBTN are undergoing trial and disclosure in beta version. Continuous rulemaking. Examining the location-specific research on agricultural raw materials.
  • Group policy and plan for 2023
    • Climate Change
      • Scope 1 and 2 are roadmap development and implementation applying ICP to investment decisions.
      • Scope 3 is considering of the actual situation and visualizing emissions to strengthen supplier engagement.
    • Containers and packaging
      • Promoting expansion of SKU and weight reduction of bottles in order to increase the usage rate.
      • Promoting a chemical recycling project.
    • Disclosure of environment-related financial information
      • Disclose in the financial statement report in conformance with the new TCFD guidance. Considering further expansion of financial information disclosure in the Environmental Report.
      • ISSB must be disclosed in financial reports in conformance with auditing standards as soon as they are established. Confirming and Considering the requirements after disclosure of ISSB standard.
      • Considering TNFD and SBTN including raw agricultural products

Date: February 17

  • This meeting is newly established in 2022.
  • Outline of Group Environmental Meeting
  • There are major three theme, Climate Change, Containers and packaging and Disclosure of environment-related financial information. For each, information on the following matters was shared.
    • Background, analysis of current situation, competitive developments, etc.
    • Kirin's Advantages and Challenges
    • Policies and Strategies
  • We shared information with focus on climate change, containers and packaging, and disclosure of environmental financial information. Among the four major themes of the environment, Biological and water resources are also intricately related to climate change, natural capital, etc. and are subject to disclosure in the framework of environment-related financial information disclosure.
  • Group Environmental Meeting 2022

Group Business and Human Rights Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: June 24

  • Current status of initiatives in 2022
    • Response to human rights due diligence
    • Response to results of dialogues on human rights with stakeholders.
  • Group policy and plan for 2023
    • Formulate action plans for each key theme based on the medium- and long-term human rights strategy
    • Reexamination of the 2027 target based on the results of the final evaluation of the 2022 CHRB

Date: February 17

  • Current status of initiatives in 2021
    • Establishment of a new Group Business and Human Rights Meeting
    • Establishment of procurement risk management system
    • Revised Procurement Policy and Supplier Code
  • Group policy and plan for 2022
    • Awareness-raising measures on Business and Human Rights
    • Confirmation of countries, items, and timing of human rights due diligence
  • Group Business and Human Rights Meeting 2022

Group Health and Safety Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: June 22

  • Current status of initiatives in 2022
    • (Last year) results and progress on the Group‘s external disclosure indicators
    • Progress and challenges of key initiatives in each operating company
    • Initiatives to improve health literacy Use of the 'KIRIN naturals wellness store'
  • Group policy and plan for 2023
    • Group occupational health and safety policy

Date: January 27

  • This meeting is newly established in 2022.
  • The Group's Health Management Goals
  • Outline of the Group Health and Safety Meeting (including occupational health and safety)
  • Group external disclosure indicators
  • Initiatives for each company's priority issues
    • Goals
    • Current Status
    • Challenges
  • Group Health and Safety Meeting 2022

Report on Meeting for Fiscal 2021

Group Business and Human Rights Meeting (Meeting Agenda)

Date: June 14, 2021

  • This meeting is newly established in 2021
    • Group Objectives in Business and Human Rights
    • Outline of the Group Business and Human Rights Meeting
    • Medium- to long-term strategy up to 2027, Group policy and plan for 2022 Mid-Term Plan
      • Goals
      • Current Status
      • Challenges