
2Q Financial Results

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Consolidated Financial Highlights

  • Revenue

    ¥2,134.4 billion

  • Normalized Operating Profit

    ¥201.5 billion

  • Profit attributable to owners of the Company

    ¥112.7 billion

(FY2023, Actual)

Financial and Non-financial Highlights

Key financial performance indicators

  • ROIC

    8.0 %

    2024 Guidance 8.0 %

  • Normalized EPS


    2024 Guidance ¥177

(Results in 2023)

Financial Data

Key non-financial performance indicators

  • Environment Climate Change

    Reduction ratio of GHG emission
    (Scope 1 and 2)
    (compared with 2019)

    31 %

    2024 Target 23 %

    2030 Target 50 %

  • Environment Containers and Packaging

    Percentage of recycled resin used in
    PET bottles*2

    28 %

    2024 Target 38 %

    2027 Target 50 %

  • Environment Water Resources

    Water use intensity at manufacturing
    sites with high water stress*3
    (Water use intensity =
    Water usage / Production amount)

    3.3 kl/kl Lion

    2024 Target
    Under 3.0 kl/kl

    2025 Target
    Under 2.4 kl/kl

  • Health Progress of mid-term health science strategy

    Achievement level in supporting the maintenance of immune function

    Recognition rate of
    LC-Plasma function in Japan

    31 %

    2024 Target 45 %

    2027 Target 50 %

    Number of people continuing to take

    780,000 people

    2024 Target 1,900,000 people

  • Employees Organizational Culture

    Employee engagement score

    70 %

    2024 Target 75 %

  • Employees Diversity

    Achievement level in “Increasing diversity”

    Ratio of female managers in Japan*4

    13.6 %

    2024 Target 15 %

    Ratio of mid-career hires in japan*5

    45.4 %

    2024 Target 30 %

  • Employees Occupational health and safety

    Lost time injury frequency rate*6


    2024 Target 0.95 (0.40 in Japan)

(Results in 2023)

  1. Supplemental information for the calculation of GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) for the Kirin Group is here.
  2. PET resin used by Kirin Brewery, Kirin Beverage, and Mercian for product packaging is included in the calculation.
  3. Manufacturing sites with high water stress are defined by us based on Aqueduct‘s Water Stress and WRF’s Baseline Water Depletion. The identified sites breweries are Tooheys Brewery/James Boag Brewery/Castlemaine Perkins.
  4. The ratio of female managers in Japan is based on the employees with a domicile at Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. However, executive officers and rehired employees are not included.
  5. The ratio of mid-career hires in Japan is based on the employees with a domicile at Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. However, rehired employees are not included.
  6. Main Group companies that have production and logistics functions within the Group are included. Partner companies within the factory premises are also included.


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External Evaluation

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