Feedback from stakeholders during the establishment of the 2018 Human Rights Policy

Stakeholder Feedback

The Kirin Group received advice from its stakeholders, including influential human rights activists and intellectuals, and incorporated that advice in its human rights policy. The following are some examples of that feedback.

Business partner relations The Kirin Group should clearly state that it expects all of its business partners to support the Kirin Group’s human rights policy and create opportunities to share this policy with them.
Reporting system It is important to provide inquiry channels through which all stakeholders, both internal and external, can report human rights violations.
Rights of indigenous populations The Kirin Group should clearly state its commitment to fulfilling the responsibilities it has to local stakeholders, including indigenous populations.

Intellectuals Who Offered Feedback (partial introduction)

Vicky Bowman

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business(MCRB)

Business and Human Rights Specialist
Vanessa Zimmerman

Executive Director
Kendyl Salcito
